PDB seminar #004

Dr. Ikuhiro Okamoto

2022年4月21日15:00(JST)より、霊長類におけるX chromosome dosage compensation dynamicsの詳細な動態を初めて報告した岡本郁弘 講師にご講演いただけることとなりました(Okamoto et al, 2021, Science)我々の領域での成果報告になりますが、ご興味ある方、奮ってご参加ください。


"The X-chromosome dosage compensation program during the development of cynomolgus monkeys"

Dr. Ikuhiro Okamoto

Senior Lecturer

Dr Mitinori Saitou Lab,
Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (WPI-ASHBi),
Kyoto University, Japan

Please register from here!

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[IMPORTANT] Participants shall not disclose any confidential information to others since unpublished data may appear in the presentations./ プレゼンテーションに未公開のデータを含む場合があるため、秘密保持に同意できる方のみご登録をお願いします。


In mammals, one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated in females to enable dosage compensation for X-linked gene products. In mice, the X chromosome of paternal origin (Xp) is silenced during early embryogenesis due to imprinted expression of the regulatory RNA, Xist (X-inactive-specific-transcript). This imprinted form of X inactivation is reversed in the inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocyst and random X inactivation subsequently occurs in the epiblast. However, its ontogeny and mechanism in primates, including humans, remain unknown. Here, we delineate a distinct mechanism for X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) in key cell lineages in cynomolgus monkeys, a model for human development. With a common mechanism, while trophectoderm/cytotrophoblasts acquire XCI around implantation, amnion/epiblast/hypoblast exhibit a protracted intermediate state, attaining XCI by a week after implantation. Conversely, primordial germ cells (PGCs) undergo X-chromosome reactivation by faithfully reverting the XCI pathway early during their development. Crucially, males achieve X-chromosome up-regulation (XCU) progressively, whereas females show XCU interwoven with XCI, both establishing the X: autosome dosage compensation by one week after implantation. Our findings create an essential paradigm for the X-chromosome dosage compensation mechanism in primates.


Date; Thursday, 21st April 2022 | 15:00~ (JST)

Venue: on Zoom

Language: English

Eligibility: Researchers and Students


Tomonori Nakamura (Hakubi/ WPI-ASHBi, Kyoto University)