PDB seminar #003

Dr. Harunobu Kagawa

2022年1月20日16:30(JST)より高効率なヒトBlastoid作出法の開発し培養皿上の子宮内膜細胞への着床現象を報告された香川晴信 研究員にご講演いただけることとなりました(Kagawa et al, 2021, Nature)


"Four features of human blastoids that model human blastocysts"

Dr. Harunobu Kagawa

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Dr Nicolas Rivron Lab,
Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria

  • Please register from here!

We are pleased to announce that we will officially be holding this seminar in a hybrid style. However, according to the institute guideline, the number of onsite participants will be limited. The onsite participants will be notified individually by the organizers.
If the policy changed, we might have to change to online only.


The human blastocyst comprises an inner cell compartment, that gives rise to the fetus and to the yolk sac, surrounded by an epithelial layer of trophoblast cells (trophectoderm, TE) that fulfills the crucial functions of mediating the implantation into the uterus and of forming the placenta. Of note, preimplantation development is prone to failure thus forms a major roadblock to establish successful pregnancy. Also, only 40% of the fertilized egg reaches a blastocyst stage with quality standards during IVF procedures. Despite clinical significance, the mechanisms underlying human blastocyst development remains largely unknown. This is because human embryos are available in limited numbers for the research and are extremely difficult to experimentally manipulate. Thus, the human embryo model that faithfully recapitulates the morphology, cell types, and function will allow us to study early human embryonic development. We have now established a robust and efficient model of human blastocyst from naive human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) by triple inhibition of the Hippo, TGF-β, and ERK pathways. I will introduce the four key features of these models that strongly suggests that they faithfully recapitulate several aspects of human blastocyst development.


Date; Thursday, 20 January 2022 | 16:30~ (JST)

Venue: on Zoom (The university policy has been changed.)
Hybrid* ( Zoom / CiRA auditorium, Rm104 )

Language: English

Eligibility: Researchers and Students

Important notice: Participants shall not disclose any confidential information to others since unpublished data may appear in the presentations. プレゼンテーションに未公開のデータを含む場合があるため、秘密保持に同意できる方のみご登録をお願いします。


Knut Woltjen (CiRA, Kyoto University)

Tomonori Nakamura (Hakubi/ WPI-ASHBi, Kyoto University)

Facilitated by Knut-san, Kagawa-san gave an exciting and inspiring presentation.
Thank you very much, Kagawa-san and Knut-san!

Dr Harunobu Kagawa