PDB seminar #002

Dr. Hideki Masaki & Dr. Ayaka Yanagida

2022年1月12日、14:00(JST)から、東京大学医科学研究所より、異種間キメラの研究をされている正木 英樹 特任助教と、ヒトナイーブ型多能性幹細胞からのBlastoid作出を報告(Yanagida et al, 2021, Cell Stem Cell)された柳田 絢加 特任研究員にご講演いただくこととなりました。奮ってご参加ください。


"Application of blastocyst complementation
technology to humans

Dr. Hideki Masaki, Program-Specific Assistant Professor

Dr Hiromitsu Nakauchi Lab,
The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo

"Naïve stem cell blastocyst model captures human embryo lineage segregation"

Dr. Ayaka Yanagida, Research sicentist

Dr Hiromitsu Nakauchi Lab,
The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo

Participants shall not disclose any confidential information to others since unpublished data may appear in the presentations./ プレゼンテーションに未公開のデータを含む場合があるため、秘密保持に同意できる方のみご登録をお願いします。


date; Friday, 12 January 2022 | 14:00~ (JST)

Venue : on Zoom
*A high-speed network connection is highly recommended.

Language: English

Eligibility: Researchers and Students


Yasuhiro Takashima (CiRA, Kyoto University)

Tomonori Nakamura (Hakubi/ WPI-ASHBi, Kyoto University

We are very grateful for their valuable, exciting and inspiring presentation, including unpublished data.
Thank you for taking the time to present to us!

Dr Hideki Masaki

Dr Ayaka Yanagida